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    Frequently asked questions

    What is Voggt?

    Voggt is a live shopping platform, buy and sell through live video, wherever you are! The concept is simple: sellers present products live, you bid and buy in a few seconds. Also, enjoy shows to meet and chat with other collectors as passionate as you.

    How does it work?

    • Online auctions: attend and participate in live auctions, bid and experience the adrenaline of bidding!
    • Buy it now: you can also purchase products available on the sellers' profiles.
    • Inspect a product in detail: live video helps you see the item from every angle, knowing what you're buying.
    • Chat with sellers and the community: use the chat to exchange and meet enthusiasts.

    How to sell on Voggt?

    Launch your own live! Voggt is the best tool to start selling, with the sellers' community growing every day.
    Secure your business, make money, and quickly sell your stock. Know your customers and meet them regularly to share your passion.

    What products can I find on Voggt?

    Discover thousands of new or used products across more than 150 live shopping events per day.
    • Fashion: vintage clothing, streetwear, modern, second-hand, wardrobe clearouts, outlets
    • Sneakers: exclusive access to limited pairs directly from sellers
    • Trading Cards: Pokémon Cards, Boxbreaks, Yugioh, Magic: The Gathering, One Piece, sports cards
    • Figurines: Funko Pop, vintage toys, Lego, Warhammer
    • Culture: Comics, Manga, Retrogaming, Art, Vinyls